Tips Eating Healthy Foods For The Heart

If you want a healthy heart and strong then you need to find out what types of foods are healthy for the heart. As we know, the heart is an organ that is essential for human life, therefore we have to always take care of her. A lot of effort that can be done to maintain cardiovascular health and lower the risk of heart disease, which one of them is through food. Food indeed can indeed play a role in our health, doubles can provide many benefits but can also endanger health if wrong in selecting them. Therefore you need to be more wise in deciding what type of food you should consume daily.

Heart disease is a very dangerous disease, even still become number one killer disease in Indonesia or in the world. Human life is an increasingly modern society thus can increase the risk for heart disease, because the disease is closely related to lifestyle/life style. A variety of factors that can be the cause of heart disease among others, i.e. high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol (other), overweight (obesity), less doing sports or physical activity, diabetes (diabetes mellitus), and the presence of genetic factors. In addition to that heart disease can also be caused due to the habit of smoking, alcohol consumption, and stress factors.

Various types of healthy food for the heart
The more we will progressively increase the risk of heart disease, because the heart is one of the types of degenerative diseases. Degenaratif disease is a disease that is caused due to a decline in the functions of the body systemically. So people who are elderly (elderly) are more exposed to risk of heart disease. But nowadays, many young people who are suffering from heart disease because of a shift in lifestyle, including in terms of daily food consumption. If you want your heart always healthy, then konsumsilah the various types of healthy foods for the heart:

Grains high in fiber
In consuming the staple food source of carbohydrates, you should choose foods that are sourced from whole-grains rich in fiber because it is a food that is healthy for the heart. These foods among others, namely wheat, brown rice, and corn. The food is composed of karobohidrat complex which makes it somewhat longer absorbed by the body so that it is suitable for a diet to lose weight. With an ideal weight of course can lower the risk of developing heart disease. The seeds also contain other nutrients needed by the body, among others, namely protein, B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants.

Nuts is a healthy food for the heart because it contains vegetable fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. Types of nuts that are beneficial for heart health, among others, namely green beans, almonds, beans, walnuts, beans, long beans, hazelnuts and cashews. The fatty acids contained in the nuts was good fatty acids that are beneficial to the heart and blood vessels. In addition the nuts also contain vitamin E that can be beneficial to dissolve bad cholesterol.

Kitchen spice this one apparently is also one kind of healthy food for the heart. Consumption of garlic can keep blood pressure remained stable and can lower cholesterol. Moreover garlic can also be used as a substitute seasoning salt. As we know the excess consumption of salt can raise blood pressure and weight so that it can increase the risk of heart disease. Garlic can be blended into food or it would be better if eaten raw and in consumption on a regular basis.

Green tea
Healthy food for the heart of the next one that is green tea. Maybe you are more acquainted with green tea as a slimming body. It turns out that based on the research results, regular consumption of green tea can also lower the risk of heart disease. But to remember, do not be excessive consumption, simply just 2 cups per day. Because of excessive consumption of tea in a long time thus may increase the risk of developing kidney stones.

Fish oil
Different types of fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, and mackerel, contain oil useful for heart health. Fish oil contains essential nutrients for healthy blood vessels, such as the EPA, DHA, and omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil is cholesterol-lowering foods, namely by way of increasing the HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and lower LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein). The fish consumption can also stabilize blood pressure and prevent blood clotting.

The grapes is a healthy food for the heart because it contains fiber and substance quercetin and catechin. Based on research, substance quercetin can act to protect blood vessels from clogging. Whereas catechin substances can serve to lower cholesterol and prevent blood clotting. In addition, wine is also rich in antioxidants which can act to prevent cell damage due to free radicals.

Consuming apples regularly turns out to also be able to maintain the health of your heart. Apple is a healthy food for the heart because it contains a substance beta glucan that can lower cholesterol and also contain pectin which is a soluble fiber that may help lower blood pressure and blood sugar. As with wine, apples also contain antioxidants and quercetin which is also very to heart.

The berries
The berries apparently also a healthy food for the heart because it can lower the risk of heart attack terjandinya. The berries are rich in fiber and antioxidants, acted to reduce bad cholesterol, and blood sugar control. That included the berries among others i.e. strawberries, blueberi, blackberi, and rasberi.

In addition to consuming healthy food for the heart as we mentioned above, it is no less important is to apply a pattern of healthy living. The pattern of healthy living is, among others, namely by reducing foods that contain lots of fat as well as glucose, avoid smoking and alcohol, maintain a fixed weight to ideal, consuming more fruit and vegetables, drinking enough water, and exercising regularly. You should also avoid lazy lifestyle, more physical activities for lah. A simple example of that is doing more walking, cycling or climbing stairs rather than take the elevator when was in the building with the intended floor-floor can be affordable. Although it looks simple, it can lower the risk of heart disease.

You need to be wary if you have signs or symptoms that lead to heart disease. The symptoms often experienced by sufferers of heart disease among other i.e. chest pain, heart palpitations, frequent headaches, often out of cold sweat, sore or stiff neck and shoulders, it's easy to feel tired, bloating and nausea, shortness of breath, swelling in some members of the body, and sexual dysfunction can occur. Heart disease is a disease that can potentially cause death suddenly, so that the control factors cause early and immediately see a doctor if you experience symptoms that lead to heart disease.

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