Benefits Of Watermelon Fruit

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a hard-skinned fruit with a thick green color that is sometimes young plus dark green arrays. There is red meat yellow and red, depending on the type of cultivar. Watermelon stands that live in a quiet entrance if the fruit formation.

This fruit has a sweet taste and gives the sensation of freshness for the throat throughout the summer. In other cases, human knowledge without fruit is formed as an antioxidant that helps the organs in the body work properly.

The watermelon is a source of phenolic antioxidants that are also rich in carotenoids, lycopene and cucurbitacin E (triterpenes of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and citrulline, amino acids). Below the nutritional value found on 100 grams of watermelon.

Calories: one cup of watermelon fruit cut into dice forms only gives 46 calories in the body, the number of instantaneous calories per 100 g is only 30 calories.

Carbohydrates: Watermelon gives an environment of 7, 5 grams of carbohydrate every 100 grams of fruit. Watermelon also contains a natural sugar called fructose called compound creator sweetness in the flesh.

Fiber: Watermelon fiber so fits consumed when you try to lose weight, because the supply of food fiber melon grab 0, 4 gr.

Vitamins: Watermelon Fruit is a source of vitamin B6 (phridoxin), vitamin B1 (thiamine) and vitamin C as a whole will supply the daily vitamin Needs Agency that grabbed 19% or 569 mg.

Minerals: Watermelon into a potassium source in most other appealing fruits can help regulate blood pressure. Beyond that there are other minerals that exist in watermelon fruit is manganese, its benefits to the metabolism of bone composition and wake up.

Lycopene: This compound is stored in watermelon. Every 100 gr. Fresh watermelon fruit is 4. 532 mg lycopene which adds higher amount of appeal 2. 573 mg lycopene in tomato fruit.

Watermelon is one of the favorite tables that all family members enjoy. Eating watermelon after eating unknowingly helps boost the immune system. This happens because the above has been explained about a lot of content embedded in watermelon fruit.

To find out more about the benefits of this fruit is imminent, we collect from Beckon watermelon health benefits for health.

1. Heart Health
Watermelons are crowned as foods that can protect heart health. The certificate earned from The American Heart Association has had an early experience to learn more about the human heart is the first organ of good nutrition for the heart and the healing of heart-related diseases.

The American Heart Association also did not identify, they have found a high potassium content in watermelon fruit called the main component of cells and body fluids to control heart rate and blood pressure. Know, may the watermelon offer protection against coronary heart disease and stroke.

2. Prevent various types of cancer
Explained if the watermelon source of lycopene is higher in the appeal of other fresh fruits and vegetables. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize oxygen radicals that serve more than the maximum of beta carotene and vitamin E.

Some researchers have also found watermelon strength in an effort to avoid breast cancer, endometrium, prostate, lung and colon cancer. So if you do not want to suffer from one cancer, many consume watermelon preparations.

3. Neutralize high blood pressure
The study of a small watermelon extract supplement showed its effectiveness in normalizing high blood pressure in obese and elderly people. With potassium in hypertensive watermelon disease even stroke can be reduced the worst risk is the natural addition.

4. Get a good night's sleep
Watermelon also helps you sleep soundly because carbohydrate content added polysaccharide in it can increase seretonin content. The occurrence of the addition of seretonin content during sleep at night makes your brain does not match the disturbing stimuli such as tone, to sleep you more qualified.

If you want to prove it, after dinner consume some watermelon fruit and then sleep before 11:00 pm. Some researchers also convey if consuming watermelon fruit before bed can extend a restful sleep of 27%.

5. Improve blood circulation
This fruit can accelerate the circulatory system. This kind of thing is related to the content of arginine in the body that can increase nitric oxide, and blood vessels work more efficiently to drain blood and heal and avoid erectile dysfunction.

6. Lose weight
The sweet taste of the fruit will not affect your health. Beyond that is not a low-calorie fruit juice and barely has fat or kolest content

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