Garlic is native to Central Asia. For the health benefits of garlic have been known for more than 7000 years, the benefits of garlic was no exception to the face. The benefits of garlic for garlic contains a substance called allicin. Extract of allicin can be obtained when garlic is cut, crushed, or chewed. Allicin in garlic oil liquids with a sharp odor.
What are the benefits of garlic for the face and the hair?
Garlic can be used for skin beauty, among others, to eliminate acne. With just one clove of garlic, you can address the problem of acne that sometimes appear so alone out of nowhere. How to overcome acne simply by cutting off the tip of one clove of garlic, then rub it on the skin breakouts. The bacteria that causes acne will be terbasmi by the content of antioxidants in garlic.
The simplest way in processing of garlic to cope with acne is by mashing a few garlic cloves, then DAB the area face breakouts. Let stand for a few minutes to make sure the content of allicin in garlic has enough time to kill acne-causing bacteria. After 15-20 minutes, clean the mask the garlic then flush clean with water until lukewarm.
After applying garlic in advance, you may feel a slight sensation of heat. To take some you could use moisturizing products that match your skin afterwards. In addition, you are also encouraged to add garlic in your diet. However keep You do not consume too much garlic, as it will cause the effect of heat on the body. In addition to overcome acne, there are a few benefits of garlic for the face, such as:
Medical conditions on the skin called psoriasis arise when there is chronic inflammation are autoimmune (a disease which arises due to the reaction of the immune system itself). The symptoms that arise in the form of patches of white, silver, or red thick scaly skin on different parts of the body like the legs, lower back, knees, and elbows. This condition is not easy to handle. In addition to therapy from a doctor, you can also benefit from garlic to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis.
The trick is to use garlic oil and rub it on the skin affected by psoriasis. Anti inflammatory substances in garlic will help in reducing the swelling arising and after that smooth skin, which is included in one of the benefits of garlic for the face. Garlic also inhibits the activity of the enzyme Lipoxygenase, responsible for causing inflammation in patients with psoriasis.
Overcoming injuries resulting from herpes oral
Oral herpes or herpes on the lips and mouth caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. A person suffering from herpes oral experience some of the signs and symptoms of, among others, the incidence of wound on the lips, cheeks, neck, or other parts of the face. The wound inflicted oral herpes can be so unpleasant views. Applying garlic oil or garlic that has been pounded can help speed up the healing process.
Skin infections
As has been mentioned, garlic contains antibacterial and anti-virus substances, so that many experts consider it effective to relieve the signs and symptoms of a skin infection issues. Itching due to any other skin diseases can be reduced with the use of garlic, because the content of anti-fungal in it.
How to cultivate the garlic as a natural remedy for addressing skin infection by mashing garlic to extract oil. Apply garlic oil into the skin area who suffered infections, leave it for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards rinse with clean water. For more significant results, repeat the step one or two times a day for several weeks. The use of garlic directly on areas of the face is usually done before the shower, so as not to lag behind the pungent smell of garlic in the face.
Producing a wide range of beauty products produces a wide range of products and anti aging anti wrinkle. One of the benefits of garlic for the face is to help overcome the wrinkles and fine lines that appear to be regular in the face when someone is already approaching mid-life age. Include raw garlic in your diet so that allicin can work optimally from the inside.
Anti wrinkle face effects produced garlic is because the content of allicin which acts as an antioxidant, also because of the content of zinc, selenium, and vitamin c. due to the substances contained in garlic, garlic can also provide protection from ultraviolet radiation.
You already know the benefits of garlic for the face, but what about your hair? As it turns out, the garlic can also be used as an effective natural ingredients to fight hair loss and dandruff. You can membalurkan garlic directly on the scalp or use garlic oil to make it more practical.
Dandruff can be very embarrassing, especially when You're in the middle of a family or colleagues. Dandruff can cause itching, and itching may be more weight on certain weather or temperature. Garlic is effective against dandruff because it contains antifungal substances.
The crushed garlic then left for 10-15 minutes contains a very high concentration of allicin, that helps address the problem of dandruff. For handling the problem of dandruff, you can apply the garlic directly on the scalp or consumption for resistance from within.
In addition to the benefits of garlic for the face and the hair that you already know, garlic also helps lower blood pressure and maintain, maintain the health of the cardiovascular system, prevent a decline in memory, strengthen bones for women who were exposed to more vulnerable to osteoporosis, strengthens the body's endurance, control cholesterol levels, relieves toothache, prevent cancer, and fight off the infection that often invade our body's defense system such as colds and ear infections. So, You still defer to utilize garlic?
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