The types of acne ever occurrence of all kinds, including ordinary acne, blackheads to pimples. As for the causes of the emergence of acne because a wide variety of things, but primarily because of the cleanliness of the face that is less noticed.
Acne often piss off, plus the former posed difficult acne will be eliminated.
There are many ways and tips to eliminate acne scars, just below follows the explanation.
1. Expand the drinking water white
Not uncommon people underestimate the benefits of drinking enough water on each day. The benefits of drinking water is not only beneficial to the body's health in General, but also to maintain the appearance of the skin of the body.
If healthiest skin then you will be better able to avoid such thing as acne. Well, when aja still stubborn acne scars on the face, then he should reproduce the white water from now on.
Drinking water is essential for skin health and beauty. In addition, not only does acne will subside, as well as acne scars can appear long-fading and dissipated quickly.
Causes of acne could be due to too many thoughts and stress. Distressed by the large number of problems can make the acne is more rampant in the skin of the face. Well, drinking plain water could make the mood improves, and relieve the stress being experienced.
Drinking plain water makes the body more fresh, so you avoid the whose name is lethargic, tired or not powered. A sense of lethargy and such is what triggers the bad mood.
The role of other white water i.e. help removing toxins and impurities, so that any problems that exist on the skin will be immediately resolved by drinking lots of water.
Avidly drinking plain water makes the skin smoother and softer, and the repair of damaged skin tissue, eliminating black spots, scarring, pocked and acne scars.
Drinking plain water would be beneficial to maximize spending process toxins and impurities from the body and the skin pores. It is very important that shit-dirt that clogs (so that trigger acne), will be cleaned completely.
The last thing, why do white water were able to eliminate acne scars? namely that the white water consumed will be useful to maximize the process of skin regeneration.
Where in order for the process of skin regeneration can walk perfectly then the obligatory body properly hydrated.
With good skin regeneration process, then it is very useful in removing acne scars, pocked and black flecks on the face.
2. Remove acne scars with tomato
Acne scars is not permanent, it's just that it takes years in order for the mark disappeared completely. One of the natural treatments that are good enough, that is, by making use of the tomatoes to remove those pesky acne scars.
Tomatoes are a source of vitamin A which helps to speed up the process of changing of the skin, so it's a good thing to apply this natural material directly on the skin of the face.
Many acne treatment products that use ingredients vitamin a. Tomatoes have efficacy for smooth skin and eliminate acne scars. In addition to vitamins A, tomatoes also have vitamin, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, and some vitamin B derivative.
How to remove acne scars with natural tomato is his simple, i.e. with a tomato slice into sections, and then affixed to the acne scars. Leave it in the State of stuck like that for 60 minutes, do this every day.
In addition, you can perform the way a combination of tomatoes with other ingredients. These materials need to be prepared:
2 tbsp. tomato juice
6 drops of lemon water
The steps:
Mix the two ingredients in a container until well blended.
And then apply it on the face that there are acne scars.
When you are finished applying, let alone for 15-20 minutes.
After that then rinse with warm water, then rinse your face with plain water.
As tips, the best time to use this mask is the time before bed, do it every day or at least 3 times a week.
3. Start Exercising Diligent from now
Sports undertaken will facilitate the circulation of oxygen throughout the body, khsusnya on the skin. Not only does this pimples problem resolved from the outside but also from within.
Sports undertaken would be beneficial to help eliminate acne or acne scars. If you can do jogging for 30 minutes in every day, prioritizing their jogging is done in the morning (this is best).
Jogging is beneficial to skin health, especially to keep the skin moist, sera can cleanse the skin of dirt and stains, making skin brighter. This benefit could later help to gradually fades acne scars.
You could also do a variety of other types of sports, such as cycling or playing football, basketball, tennis, etc.
Lest you do not shower after exercising. The sport will cause you to sweat quite a lot. Plus more when exercising outdoors, then the air pollution mixes with sweat and dust.
Therefore you must do ghusl after exercising, so that the dirt out and in the end can be cleaned perfectly.
4. the Diligent Eating fresh fruits and vegetables
With the emphasis on eating fresh fruits and vegetables than the kind of instant, junkfood and food then benefits can make the skin more healthy, bright and beautiful, so that a variety of stains on the skin such as acne and black flecks can fade little by little.
General product acne medication is a combination of compounds are often found in fruit and vegetables. Consuming fruits and vegetables can help to eliminate acne from within.
In the fruit and vegetables typically contain many antioxidant compounds that have many health benefits, including inflammation and inhibiting the growth of bacteria in Acne, as well as aiding the process of skin regeneration so acne scars on the face could more quickly lost.
Some types of fruit that is rich in antioxidant content i.e. fruit, melon berri, grapes, apples, bananas, grapefruit, avocado, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and manga.
As for the types of vegetables are rich in antioxidants, namely tomato, spinach, garlic, broccoli, romaine, olive oil, eggplant, celery, peppers, lettuce, and carrots.
In addition, fruits in general are rich in deposits of beta-carotene, which benefits can prevent excess oil and help treat inflammation of the stubborn acne.
Beta-carotene is a pro-vitamin A compound resembling punitive retinol, retinol compounds which are commonly used as acne medication, modern content.
Content of beta-carotene contained in many fruits of Mandarin, watermelon, cantaloupe, apricots, cherries, passion fruit, banana, mango, guava, and papaya.
As for the vegetables that contain beta-carotene, namely carrots, kale, chard, spinach, mustard greens, dandelion leaves, lettuce, pumpkin soup, and leaves.
Other content in fruits and vegetables are beneficial to help eliminate acne scars, namely vitamin A and vitamin C, that its function is maintain the health of the skin and encourage collagen production in the skin in order to speed up the process of removing scars Acne.
Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins i.e. oranges, watermelons, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, avocado, tomato, banana, papaya, apricots, mango, kiwi, lemons, broccoli, spinach, onions, carrots, asparagus, radishes, celery, clove, beans, cabbage, basil, and green beans.
5. Utilization of fruits and vegetables for external use
Utilization of fruits and vegetables to help eliminate acne scars not just by the way it is consumed, but also can be used as external use, namely by making facial masks.
Fruit and vegetable that has vitamin compounds, acids, and enzymes that are beneficial to remove dirt and dead skin cells on the face, so it helps to eliminate acne and mark, and makes the skin smoother and brighter.
The use of fruit or vegetables that are rich in vitamin A as a face mask is beneficial to repair the epidermis layer system up to the level of DNA, which utilized to assist the process of regeneration of the skin cells, eliminate acne scars naturally and prevent the occurrence of premature aging.
The use of fruit or vegetables that are rich in vitamin A is recommended is done at night, which if heeded many found night cream containing vitamin a.
Some types of fruit that is rich in vitamin A (which you can take advantage of as a face mask) that is the fruit of papaya, banana, Apple, and dragons. As for the vegetable that is rich in vitamin A, namely carrots, tomatoes, and spinach.
For the use of the fruit that is rich in Vitamin C, useful to ward off free radicals attack the causes of acne and skin cancer. Vitamin C is found in beauty products.
A variety of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C that is orange, pineapple, strawberries, grapes, watermelon, avocado, banana, mango, lemon, tomatoes, papaya, apricots, kiwi, spinach, beans, broccoli, onions, cabbage, carrots, asparagus, basil, radishes, onions, celery, clove , cabbage, and green beans.
You can also take advantage of the fruit or vegetable that is rich in acids, beneficial to remove the dead skin cells on the face, so the dead skin cells and impurities will be cleaned up and no longer clog pores.
Other benefits i.e., promoting the process of skin cell regeneration so as to speed up the pemudaran of acne scars.
Types of fruits or vegetables that are high in acid that is lime, avocado, lemon, papaya, strawberries, oranges, carrots, pumpkins, raspberries, potatoes, broccoli, celery, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, and asparagus.
Different types of fruit and vegetables mentioned above is good enough to use as a natural mask in order to get rid of acne and acne scars.
6. Consumption of foods High-protein food
Eating fruit and vegetables is indeed beneficial to skin health and help eliminate acne scars, in addition you also need to consume protein intake which is beneficial to promoting the process of regeneration of skin cells.
Some protein-rich foods that help in fades acne scars that is pureed green beans, tofu, tempeh, eggs, chicken, beef, and shrimp.
You could try
7. Mask honey and Eggs
The egg white is known for rewarding large for the development of the body and the muscles of the body, but egg whites can also be beneficial to help fades acne scars. Likewise with honey is commonly referred to as a miraculously fluid, honey was already commonly used for different types of treatment.
The combination of these two natural ingredients can provide maximum results to eliminate acne scars.
The ingredients you need to prepare:
Honey (HR 2-3)
Egg white
The steps:
First mix the honey and egg white.
Once well mixed, apply as a mask in all parts of the face or on the part of the face affected by acne only (do before sleep).
Well, you just describes the night away, and when it was morning then rinse your face using warm water until clean.
You need to apply a mask honey and egg whites at acne scars on a regular basis. Do at least once in a week.
Remember!! Eggs are used only white eggs only. Do consistently in order for maximum results.
8. Familiarize myself to walk away
Causes of acne and acne scars ever lost because of a hormonal imbalance. A variety of things that trigger the onset of hormonal imbalance in the body because:
Often experience stress.
Unbalanced nutrition
Often affected by exposure to air dirty.
Rarely wash face.
Lack of sleep.
Lack of exercise.
Eating irregularly.
Well, some of the above problems could be resolved by doing physical activity, do not need weight-the weight of the body is important since it is moving, so rewarding to help stability and the balance of hormones in the body.
As a suggestion you could do brisk walking, that this is still a relaxing sports category. Do brisk walking in the morning (morning 6-7 hours). Its benefits will burn fat, blood circulation, and balance the body's hormones.
In addition, on daily activities then make it a habit to walk, as when travelling to a stall near a housing complex, then if the distance is near no need to use motor. Try to let your feet be frequent-often digerakan.
9. do not overuse of hot water or warm While memcuci faces
Often using warm water (even too hot) when washing your face then it can result in dry skin problem. You also don't wear towels that are rough for the digosokan to face. Be sure to use a towel or soft cloth to dry the face.
10. Take advantage of Lemons As Treatments Outside
Lemon is said to have many benefits in the form of removing acne scars acne scars at a time, flatten the skin color a dark stain, disguise, makes skin soft and supple, clean the acne causing bacteria, to cleanse the skin cells die.
Benefits of lemon like to exfoliate dead skin cells, is useful to prevent acne and reduce the appearance of acne scars. In addition, the lemon is known as a natural skin Whitener that is beneficial to reduce the look of dark spots acne scars.
Page mentioned that in lemon acid contained natural alpha-hydroxy (AHA) which can be used for fades acne scars, scars, accelerates the healing process, and revitalize the skin.
Quite a squeeze of a lemon into a small bowl and then applied on the skin problem like acne scars. Or you can put the rest of the jusnya on top of acne scars using a cotton ball, then let sit until dry, then clean the skin of the back.
In natural treatments using "lemon juice", then give the side effects in the form of the skin more sensitive to UV radiation.
Therefore, after doing this treatment then avoid being under direct sunlight for a while.
11. Sleep and avoid staying out
If you really want to remove acne scars then make sure the sleep needs are met properly. Within a day, human beings need time to sleep during 6-8 hours. Therefore, do not sleep too night.
The benefits of sleep quality, and regular is to maximize the process of skin regeneration, nourish the skin, and nourish the body in General. Things like this indirectly useful to accelerate the cleanup of acne scars, pocked, black flecks and other problems in the face.
12. Waste Habits Squeeze Acne
Things often unwittingly done i.e. squeeze acne. Important note that the squeeze will aggravate acne skin conditions, expanding the spread of bacteria and cause infection in the skin of the face.
Due to squeeze acne acne scars then will be increasingly long to get eliminated. Therefore, if you are have acne on the face then hold your hand from the "plays" acne, otherwise it may try so that hands do not touch the face.
13. Lemon
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, and contain vitamin B1, essential oil, lemon acid, amino acids, sulfur, Rosin, and glycosides. You can use lemon juice water containing natural compounds, alpha-hydroxy acid as a natural mask.
In applying lime juice to the face, then wear cotton. Before applying, you need to clean your face first.
When you are finished applying natural masks, let it dry until it dries so that their subjects permeate most of the skin of the face. After that, it was only membesihkan face back.
You can also use lemon slices or chunks. Slice lemons thinly, then paste on the face that there is acne. Leave it in the State of stuck so pervasive lime juice on the skin of the face.
When you can't hold back pains due to lime, You can also do another way, namely, mixing the juice of a lemon and warm water. The benefits of using warm water to open the pores of the face, so that lemon juice could be useful optimally on the face.
You can also use a combination of lemon and honey to get rid of acne scars fast. Honey contain substances that is antiseptic to kill the bacteria.
How to make its alloy:
Cut the lemon and then squeeze the water until you get a teaspoon of lemon juice, water.
Put the lime juice in a face.
Then mix it with a teaspoon of honey.
Stir both ingredients until well blended.
And then apply it on the face.
When you are finished applying, let stand for 30 minutes.
Then clean the back face.
Before applying a mixture of lemon and honey, then make sure you're washing your face before.
Is it safe to apply lemon juice water on the face? In a question and answer page Alodokter, someone using lime as a facial mask natural materials such as asking whether it has side effect?
Then answered by Dr. Devika Y, that currently many natural ways are used to lighten the skin, the one with the mask lemon. Basically a lemon mask has no dangerous side effects because it is a natural ingredient.
It's just for those who have sensitive skin then needs to be careful in applying lime juice on the face. Where a person who has experienced a potentially sensitive skin irritation while wearing the mask lemon.
To minimize the potential for irritation in the use of natural ingredients lemon, there are some tips that can be done:
Before use, be sure to wash the lemons until completely clean with water mengair.
Make sure the knife is used to cut clean from dirt.
Don't do the lemon mask treatment per day. Enough 2 times in a week.
After wearing the mask lemon, then make sure you rinse the face to clean.
If signs of irritation such as redness appear, a sense of heat, burning, or painful then stop use of mask lemon.
Dr. Devika Y explained that in addition to lemon mask, you can make facial masks from other natural ingredients to lighten the skin of the face, such as lemon, papaya mask masks, masks, and masks of Saffron yogurt.
14. Try So don't be too long Exposed to the Sun
The body was too old to be under direct sunlight can harm the skin. Exposure to ultraviolet rays can trigger the formation of melanin, which could then potentially the incidence of blackish stains on the acne scars.
The most serious danger from the skin of the body that are too often exposed to UV light radiation is increasing the risk of skin cancer.
Therefore, it is recommended to use sunscreen or sunblock if you work long enough in the outdoors (or in direct sunlight).
15. Waste of Various habits that Often Disepelekan But can trigger Acne Arise Again
Various things are done to eliminate acne scars will be useless if you are not trying to prevent acne arises again.
Simple things to prevent it is to throw away all the habit causes the onset of acne.
Avoid using mobile phones that are too stick to the face because mobile phones contain lots of germs and dirt. Facial skin produces oil and sweat, so if mixed with germs, bacteria and dust then it could be harmful to the skin of the face. So also, rajin-rajinlah clears the body of your phone from all kinds of impurities.
Avoid using a dirty makeup equipment, don't be lazy to mempersihkan brush makeup. Which the brush can become the nest gathering dust and bacteria.
Avoid the wrong haircut, that piece of hair always cover the forehead and cheeks, this resulted in the pores of the skin will be blocked and not getting enough air.
Avoid sleep deprivation, where one of the causes of acne is a high stress level. Lack of sleep will trigger the occurrence of stress on the body and mind.
Avoid spray perfume directly onto the neck, because it can cause skin irritation and acne as well. Spray directly onto the neck then there is a possibility of perfume also attaches to the face. Should spray perfume onto the arm first, then rubbed into neck.
Avoid sleeping with a pillow and bed linen conditions, where when sleep then the face will be glued into cushions, and this can take several hours. Therefore, should replace or clean bed linens and pillows every 2 weeks.
Avoid using hair products too close to the face because it can be the cause of the outbreak of acne.
Avoid too excessive in drying the face, because it dries the face actually will stimulate the facial skin to produce more oil. If you are too often cleaning up oil on the face with SOAP cleaners or other products containing alcohol, then its effects can cause irritation of the skin, which could then bring up the acne. Therefore, clean the oil on the face on a regular basis, but don't overdo it.
Avoid touching your face, too often therefore undertake so that the hands can always clean.
Avoid squeeze pimples, because it will cause acne scars becomes difficult to be eliminated.
16. use a combination of rose water
The famous Roses as beautiful and fragrant flowers, also has benefits for the skin which one for the treatment of acne scars. Rose water is believed to be beneficial for fades acne scars, as well as be able to soften the skin.
For making rose water, you can combine the rose water with honey and fresh cucumber. The ingredients you need to prepare:
Rose water
2 slices of fresh cucumber
2 tbsp honey
The steps:
Prepare the 2 pieces of fresh cucumbers, then clear, then mash until smooth.
After that mix it with 2 tbsp of honey, and then insert it into the blender.
After both these ingredients well blended, then add a few drops of rose water into it.
After these three ingredients well mixed, then it's time to be smeared on the face.
When you are finished applying, then let sit for 10 minutes.
After that, rinse the face with clean water.
Do this treatment twice a week. Natural ingredients used have antibacterial properties, which is one of its benefits can fades acne scars faster.
Alternatively, you can combine roses with the juice of lemon. The materials needed are:
Rose water
Juice of lemon
The steps:
Combine roses and lemon juice in a container that contains hot water.
Then position the face on top of the container, so that the steam from the water in contact with the skin of the face.
Do for five minutes, if face feels the heat then immediately stop the ancients (not forced) then do return.
After that, rinse the face with plain water.
The content of vitamin C in a high roses give the effect of antioxidants that are good for the skin. The content inside the Roses also are antiseptic to kill the bacteria and cleans the pores of the face.
17. use Extra Virgin Olive Oil before going to bed
Extra virgin olive oil is one of the products of the olive oil. You need to prepare a bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (extra virgin olive oil), in addition also buy baby SOAP.
Wash your face with SOAP babies, especially when you previously exposed to contact with dust, dirt and pollution. You can also before bed to wash your face with SOAP.
For the use of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, then apply to all parts of the face, but use it sparingly (don't overdo/too much).
Content of olive oil or olive oil has properties as a natural healer, kill bad bacteria and also nourish the skin (including facial skin) to be more gentle, toned and healthy.
18. use Baking Soda
Page mentions that baking soda can be used to remove scars (including acne scars). Baking soda-sodium bicarbonate crystals consist of working for a soft skin peeling if used as a scrub cleanser.
Combine a couple of teaspoons of baking soda with water to taste it will be shaped pasta, and then apply the mixture by means of massaging the skin where acne scarring.
When you are finished applying, let sit for two minutes. This is so that the soda is working to clean the skin pores and blemishes on the skin.
Afterwards rinse wash face with warm water lukewarm, then You suggested applying a natural moisturizer.
You can melalakukan this treatment every day, or at least three times a week.
19. If Urgent conditions, you can use Makeup to hide acne scars
Removing acne scars permanently is certainly the best thing. It's just the treatment to remove scars acne scars require time.
So when you are in a specific moment should give the maximum but constrained acne scars on the face, then for a while you could use makeup to cover acne scars.
You need such as:
= > Concealer
Choose a concealer that is non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic. Usually the explanation on this subject is contained in the package. When you choose products concealer, then select that have the shade match the colour of your skin. If acne scars-shaped basin, then it is recommended to use concealer which has a shade with one level lighter than your skin tone.
= > Color corrector
You can choose the green color corrector if acne scars look more gray or purple, try using a corrector which can neutralize the color of your skin.
= > Primer
If Your acne scars-shaped basins in the skin, then you need a helpful primer to smooth the skin's surface.
For those of you who have acne scars is colored gray or purple. Apply evenly color corrector with brush or finger on the acne scars.
Use a concealer with a color that matches your skin tone. Do finishing with regular foundation to set the concealer so as not too prominent.
As for those of you who have acne scars-shaped basins, use a primer on the face of the mnfaatnya can make the surface smoother face. Choose a concealer that is one level lighter than the color of your facial skin. And then do the finishing with the foundation.
20. The cucumber
Page mentions that cucumber is a natural ingredient that is already popular in facial treatments. Cucumbers contain vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium and also menhindrasi the skin of the body.
To use a cucumber in the healing of acne scars, you just need to cut the cucumber into thin slices, then place on top of the acne scars. Let stand for thirty minutes.
After that waste of cucumber slices, then rinse face with clean water. Do routinely.
21. Honey
Page mentions of honey as a natural moisturizer and other can help heal the scars and acne. The best way is to use raw honey, not the processed type.
To use then you are simply applying honey to taste while massaging over the former jerwat, and then let the natural wonders of this honey working.
You could also be mixing with a spoon the ground cinnamon per two tablespoons of honey, which is beneficial to help clear pores to the maximum.
22. Potato juice page explains that the potato is rich in vitamins and minerals are very good for health and healing of the skin. Take advantage of the fresh organic potatoes for the juice fades acne and acne scars.
You can cut or slice thin potatoes, then apply it directly to the acne scars.
Or you can also make the juice, and then applying to the acne scars. Let sit for fifteen minutes and then rinsed with warm water.
23. Aloe Vera
The page States that the fresh Aloe Vera gel is a potent source of vitamin for acne scars fades. Aloe Vera also has properties as a natural moisturizer, which makes the skin softer and healthier.
The current gel aloe vera (Aloe Vera) can be obtained at the drug store and pharmacy. Or you can pick up fresh Aloe Vera and then cut and peel the meat out to take gelnya.
Apply the gel while massaging gently into the acne scars. Then let sit for thirty minutes, afterwards it was clear the face back.
If it is your first time applying Aloe Vera to the skin of the body, then try to apply a little gel, see her reaction on the skin. If there are no new negative reaction then use Aloe Vera gel.
24. Remove the Red Scars due to Acne with Eye Drops
Eye drops medications often used to treat red eyes due to irritation. Eye drops containing tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride which serves to help eliminate red scars. You can mengihlangkan the Red scars due to Acne with this eye drop medications.
You need to prepare the eye drops is a medication that contains about 0.05% Tetrahydrozoline (Visine). For its use, first wash your face to clean, and then wait a few moments until the water in the face dries up.
After that eye drops medications squirt to the cotton bud (not directly on the squirt to the skin).
With a cotton bud, then apply to the part of the former Red skin. Don't be smeared to all parts of the skin of the face, quite smeared on the problematic section only.
Well, how the drug can work for eye drops can eliminate the Red scars due to Acne?
Please note that former Red skin due to Acne occurs due to an increase in blood circulation in the area. The body circulate more blood to the area to fight infections due to acne.
Tetrahydrozoline is a material that is often found in the eye drops. Ingredient tetrahydrozoline can this work for Red acne scars fades with the way menyusutkan a swollen blood vessels.
25. Olive oil page explains that olive oil for skin-friendly because they contain many vitamins (A, D, E, C, B1 and B2), iron and antioxidants. In addition it anti-inflammatory properties in olive oil helps to eliminate acne scars.
You need to prepare the olive oil, warm water, and cloth or clean towel. The steps:
Take some olive oil, then apply while massaging gently on the face. Its main focus to be on the acne scars.
When you are finished applying, then allow some time to let the content of maximally absorbed by the skin.
Then take a clean towel or cloth and dip into the warm water.
Put the warm wet cloth on the face to get the steam.
Then clean the excess oil on your face gently with a cloth. Avoid menggosok-gosok.
After that wait for about two minutes and then clean the face again with plain water.
26. Apple vinegar for acne scars
Page mentions that Apple Cider vinegar contains natural disinfectant and astringent, which makes it a natural antiseptic. Which also can balance the pH level of the body and skin.
Anti-bacterial and anti-radangnya is effective for the treatment of acne and also eliminate acne scars. Apple Cider vinegar contains vitamins, minerals, carbolic acid, amino acids, antioxidants, acetic acid, ketones, pillars and other.
You can eliminate acne scars by using Apple Cider vinegar because it functions that can scrape dead skin cells and fades acne scars. The following directly below the explanation.
Prepare the ingredients:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cotton ball
The steps:
Combine the Apple Cider vinegar and water in a container (Bowl, etc.).
Then dip a cotton ball into it.
Then apply to acne scars.
When you are finished applying, then leave it on for 10 minutes.
After that then wash the face with water.
Other ways you can combine apple cider vinegar with honey. Materials that need to be disipakan:
Apple Cider vinegar 2 tbsp.
Water as much as 2/3 glass.
Honey as much as 1-2 tsp.
Cotton ball.
The steps:
Combine water, Apple Cider vinegar, and honey in a container (combine all three).
Stir the mixture evenly.
Then dip a cotton ball into it.
Then DAB on the acne scars.
Let stand for half an hour.
Then he clears the face back with clean water (it can also warm water).
Do this perwatan regularly, at least three times a week.
27. Black spots Fade acne scars with coconut water
Coconut water has many benefits for skin health, one of them to remove the black spots of acne scars. Following the below steps:
Cut fresh green coconut then its water capacity in a container.
Then soak a cotton ball into the coconut water.
Then apply the cotton on the face that there are former jerawatnya (formerly wash your face first to the net).
Once that is done, then rinse the face with warm water.
Alternatively, you can use several ingredients such as fresh green coconut, saffron and cotton. Following the below steps:
Clean the two sections of turmeric, then grate until smooth.
Then pour the fresh young coconut water in a container (Bowl, etc.).
Then You combine the turmeric with the delicate coconut water. Mix evenly.
And then stored in the refrigerator as long as overnight.
On the next day, strain the potion, so it just retrieved her Sari.
Then DAB on the acne scars.
When you are finished applying, let stand for 20-30 minutes.
Then rinse the face with warm water.
After that you can rinse again with plain water face to face is really clean.
Coconut water has a lot of content of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, lauric acid and cytokines. Water cures head to prevent aging, smoothes the skin and eliminate the dark spots due to acne.
28. use ice cubes
Not a few people use ice cubes to get rid of acne scars if not too severe. To do so then only need to meynediakan some small blocks of ice cubes.
In addition to using plain water, you can use green tea to make ice cubes. The Green has benefits to fight inflammation.
Bungkuslah ice cubes with a clean cloth or towel, and then paste it to the acne scars, do for 15 minutes. If the skin is cold then stop temporarily.
Once that is done, then wash your face with clean water. Do this daily until acne scars fade and eventually disappear.
Attach the ice cubes into the skin can shrink the size of the pores of the skin, as well as streamline the delivery of oxygen to the skin there are part of the former jerawatnya.
Things to diinggat i.e. DON'T do not attach the ice cube directly to the skin. Then make sure that the cloth used to wrap ice cubes really clean.
29. Banana peels
Banana peels can be used to clean the stain of acne scars. Trim your banana peels into small pieces (about 1.5 inches). After that wash the face with clean water.
Then he would rub the banana peels on the acne scars. The part that used to rub is the inside of banana peels.
After the completion of menggosokan banana peels are, then let sit for 30-60 minutes. After that then clean the face with warm water.
Do these treatments every day. Banana peels work for stain fades acne scars because of the content of potassium and antioxidants that exist therein.
30. Garlic
Garlic can be used to get rid of acne scars. Puree by you as much 2-3 garlic, then smeared on parts of the former residence of pimples on the face evenly. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties.
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