Pegagan leaves into herbal ingredients (natural) which are rich in deposits of antoksidan. It is used as a traditional medicine, this leaves even have done since time immemorial.
Where people used to be often utilize pegagan leaves for the treatment of skin diseases, blood circulation, treatment of nervous disorders and others.
Even in Malaysia, the leaves have shown this pegagan raw material for health and beauty products, such as cream to prevent wrinkles on the skin, the cream to tighten facial skin, and a variety of other types of cream with its functions.
On the page mentions the nutritional value or Gotu Kola leaf pegagan, namely:
Beta Carotene 6.58 mg
Phosphorus 30 mg
Calcium 170 mg
1.2 mg niacin
414 mg potassium
Thiamine 0.15 mg
Riboflavin 0.14 mg
Asiaticoside 40%
2.1 Ascorbic acid 4 mg
Asiatic acid 29-30%
Madecassic acid 29-30%
Madecassoside 1-2%
Here below various efficacy leaves pegagan:
1. to Relieve anxiety, stress and As a natural Sedative
Pegagan leaves can be used as a natural remedy to calm the mind. Where in triterpenoid compounds contained pegagan leaves that have a calming effect on body and soul. Even the triterpenoid compounds also work to help launch the process of blood circulation to the brain.
The page States that the triterpenoid compounds in the leaves pegagan nutritious can reduce anxiety and also improve mental function in some individuals.
In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology year 2000 mentions that the patients given pegagan leaves intake less surprised at the votes (60 minutes after the single dose gets) compared to patients who did not consume the pegagan leaves intake.
Researchers stated that the leaves have potential pegagan khaiat anti-anxiety in humans.
The page also mentions a research benefits pegagan leaves to treat or reduce disruption antianxiety (anxiety).
Research published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. The researchers discovered the existence of significant improvements on some behavior due to stress on the animal, where the animal is given a supplement pegagan leaves.
Researchers stated that these preliminary results indicate that leaf pegagan has the potential to overcome chronic stress naturally.
2. Heal wounds
You can take advantage of pegagan leaves to treat bleeding or sores on the skin (external treatment methods). Even the leaves pegagan can naturally help stop clothes.
Page mentions that leaves pegagan traditionally used to treat minor injuries. In the leaf pegagan contained a substance called triterpenoid useful to speed up the process of wound healing, increase antioxidant levels in the area of skin that is injured, as well as to keep the blood supply to the injured area walks properly.
In a study published in the International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds of the year 2006, do some research to find out the benefits of leaf pegagan for wound healing. Research conducted with rats.
The research found that wounds treated with the extract of the leaves gives the healing efficacy pegagan significantly. Researchers say that further studies are still needed to be done.
Page mentions other organic compounds and saponins found in plants like this nutritious pegagan leaves to stimulate the healing process in wounds. The compound works to stimulate the flow of blood to the cells and also protects the skin from infection, so it is helpful to speed up the healing process.
3. Heal Burns page explains that leaves pegagan also nutritious to help heal burns. Which leaves pegagan contain substances that are potentially as an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral.
So that leaves pegagan can be beneficial for the treatment of burns on the skin, psoriasis, dermatitis and other. With the use of the herb is derived from natural ingredients, it is very useful to heal wounds to types of burns.
The content in the leaves of pegagan has a function to increase the blood supply to the area was injured, thus also increasing the level of antioxidants in the area.
The intake of antioxidants that many will promote the production of fibroblasts. Where fibroblasts help in synthesizing collagen, it is useful to help the healing process and reduce the incidence of scarring that occurs in the skin.
4. For Healthcare Intelligence and Brain
The contents of antioxidant compounds have many benefits, including for brain health, strengthen memory, and improve preparedness.
Antioxidant compounds contained in leaf pegagan serves to help unleash a flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the brain, organs and prevent the occurrence of damage to the brain cells.
A study been done by r. Uthaya Ganga and b. Sathya from govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, India. The research team did the testing against the benefits to the development of IQ pegagan extracts.
As a result, researchers found that the powder leaves pegagan beneficial to improve intelegensia.
Even as many as fifteen children who were having trouble mental disorders given intake of 500 mg powder pegagan during one month. As a result, their IQ increased to 4.6%.
All children in this study given the intake leaf extract pegagan has increased the ability of konsentraasi.
In addition, children who behave passive and often restless, experience improvement mental condition where they turn into jolly well, active and communicative to the environment. The content of asiaticosida substances in the leaves pegagan believed to provide amazing benefits.
Page mentions that leaves an incredible pegagan provides benefits for the health of the brain. A study published in the journal "Neurological Sciences" Edition December 2012 found that leaves pegagan beneficial to help protect the brain from damage caused by exposure to toxic metals.
The study found those using the object animal experiments are given daily doses of 150 or 300 milligrams per kilogram of body weight for six weeks.
The result leaves extract pegagan intake given, provides benefits in the form of lower oxidative stress due to exposure to toxins and waste products from aluminum.
Researchers stated that leaves pegagan has benefits for cognitive dysfunction problems of protection, avoiding various forms of other nerve damage due to exposure of aluminiun, and also to improve memory.
The page States that the antioxidant effects of leaf pegagan worked to remove plaque and free radicals in the brain so that it stimulates the nerve pathways.
Many people are taking supplements for disease prevention pegagan leaves associated with age. Where there is some evidence that research found that leaves pegagan was able to lower the risk of alzheimer's disease and dementia.
5. Prevention of cancer
Pegagan leaves have good content, as some important mineral content, namely calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Then there is the content of vitamin C, B-1, B-2 and B-3, also contained phytochecmicals compound beta-carotene, campesetol, camphol.
Scientists at the Amala Cancer Research Center in Kerala, India, conducting research on the interrelationship of leaf pegagan (centella asiatica) and three other natural materials against tumor or cancer cells.
On the three other herbal ingredients such as cilantro, cumin, and fennel, the trio shows only a very limited activity (in overcoming cancer cells). As for natural ingredients centella worked effectively to destroy tumor cells or cancer is dangerous.
Pegagan leaves rich in antioxidant content of which is the main body in the fortress of protection from free radical attack.
This free radical compounds are extremely dangerous because of the risk of causing cancer and various degenerative diseases. page mentions a study, published in the "International Journal of Molecular Medicine" Edition December 2012. The study found that the leaves can pegagan nutritious to help protect the body from cancer of the skin by ultraviolet radiation.
The content in the leaves of human skin cells melindungsi pegagan from cancer by means of reducing the toxic effects of ultraviolet radiation.
6. Maintaining healthy Liver Organ
You can use leaves pegagan organ for the health of the liver. You can boil the leaves rebusannya water is taken then pegagan. Drinking regularly in every day.
Page mentions that leaves pegagan beneficial for heart health. Compounds from the leaf extract of pegagan called asiaticoside, useful to help the liver organ protection from damage, it is based on the research, published in the journal Phytomedicine year 2010.
Research conducted with the object of animal experiments. Researchers gave doses of asiaticoside by as much as 5, 10 or 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight each day.
As a result, the content of compounds in the leaves of the pegagan prove useful to prevent organ damage of heart due to toxic chemical substances that are in the liver, as well as to minimize damage to the tissue and improve liver function significantly.
7. Launch the circulation of blood
Pegagan leaves have
Triterpenoid content in leaf pegagan has the potential to reduce a person's anxiety level, and can improve mental function. Pegagan leaf consumption could benefit the soul to be more calm and not easily surprised.
Page mentions that there is significant evidence that leaves pegagan has positive effects in curing anxiety. The research found that the leaves are useful to reduce the frequency of pegagan and severity of anxiety attacks.
10. For fertility and Improve intimate relationships
Page mentions there is some evidence to suggest that traditional leaf pegagan cures to improve level of the energetic body in the bedroom.
Generally the benefits in the form of an increase in libido can be biperoleh from the many varieties of herbs, including pegagan leaves. In addition, pegagan leaves are also useful to prevent mental fatigue and increased energy in your relationship with your spouse.
11. Avoid high blood pressure
Pegagan leaves is useful to prevent the onset of dangerous diseases due to high blood pressure. Page mentions that studies have found the existence of a link between the leaves pegagan with lots of very dangerous disease risk decline, including congestive heart failure.
The content in the leaves of pegagan beneficial to reduce tension in the arteries and blood vessels, so blood pressure could remain in stable condition, as well as reduce the strain on the cardiovascular system in General.
It is very important for the health of organs heart, so that tercegah from atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes and other deadly diseases.
12. Nervous Disorders Cope page mentions the existence of the soothing effect of leaf pegagan can meredakani stress and also helps the body in order to have a healthy and good quality sleep, it also calms the nervous system of the body directly.
The benefits of this can pegagan leaves to help healing epilepsy, insomnia, and improve quality of life.
13. Numerous benefits for health and Body Skin Treatment
Page mentions that Centella asiatica (leaf pegagan) rich in amino acids, beta carotene, fatty acids, and phytochemicals poten. Pegagan leaf extract is known to be beneficial to accelerate wound healing, stimulates new cell growth, building collagen, improve circulation and relieve inflammation.
Research has mentioned that leaves pegagan has efficacy in healing and rejuvenation of the skin of the body, so it started to be utilized in a number of new skin care.
Research published in the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences the year 2012 has found a wide range of benefits, including pegagan leaves have the protective activity of the skin and the healer of wounds in the skin.
Historically, the leaves are believed to have curative properties pegagan skin medicines for thousands of years, as well as beneficial to the health and care of the skin, prevent premature signs of aging on the skin, treat infected wounds, syphilis, Lupus, eczema, psoriasis, and also disorders of women.
In the United Kingdom, initially leaves pegagan utilized as one of the early treatment for leprosy. In France, leaves pegagan researched and accepted as a pharmaceutical agent in the 1800s, its use for treating diarrhea, and address the problem of infertility in women.
Recently, researchers examine how nutritious pegagan leaves for the healing of wounds, researchers found sariot triterpenoid content which has been proven to help heal wounds by increasing antioxidant, waging a blood supply, and strengthen the skin.
In a study of the year 2012, the researchers provide the intake of concentrate of centella asiatica (pegagan leaves) to the skin of mice that were open. Researchers found that the formulation can inhibit the growth of bacteria, encourage growth of new skin cells and increases the strength of the skin.
Researchers concluded that the extract of centella asiatica encourages the healing process of the wound or incision burns. Amino acid in ethyl acetate extract appears to be the most active as a component in the process of wound healing.
There is good evidence that gdaun pegagan helps repair blood vessels. A study published in 2012 showed that centella unlike some other herbal extracts, which is able to penetrate the skin cantella well enough to be utilized effectively.
Scientists experiment that leaves pegagan can be used to treat burns, prevent scarring, treat psoriasis, as well as reduce stretch marks. Benefits that can enhance circulation cantella so effective for the treatment of varicose veins and broken capillaries.
Page mentions that leaves pegagan represents benefits to improve the appearance of the skin. Many pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies that use these natural ingredients, to be used as the main ingredient of a product to maintain the beauty of your skin, reduce the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and other stains.
14. Strengthen Memory
You can use leaves pegagan to improve memory, as well as to prevent diseases associated with age such as senility or alzheimer's. Fact that such diseases are not only attacking their aged parents, but also can strike people who are young.
A study published in 2012 found that efficacy centella asiatica (leaf pegagan) able to improve memory and reduce depression and anxiety.
Page mentions that leaves pegagan efficacious to increase memory and intelligence, as well as prevent alzheimer's disease, anxiety and depression.
15. The fight against bacterial infections page explains that leaves pegagan have efficacy for the treatment of common cold, urinary tract infections, cholera, influenza, disendtri, shingles, tuberculosis, leprosy, H1N1 (swine Flu), etc. Pegagan leaves can be used to treat diseases caused by attacks of different types of bacteria, viruses and parasitic Infections in humans.
16. Useful to address hair loss
Page mentions that leaves pegagan reputed to have efficacy for the treatment of hair loss. The content in it works to stimulate hair re-growth.
As for the onset of hair loss due to the interruption or problem in the hair follicles, umunya because lack of intake of the nutrients and impurities that accumulate in the hair follicles.
The content in the leaves cures pegagan is important to strengthen the hair follicles and nourish the scalp.
17. Help Smooth blood circulation in the scalp page explains that a smooth blood circulation is important for blood vessels. Pegagan leaves have efficacy for waging a blood circulation in the body.
Where lancarnya the blood circulation in the scalp, then it is very important to also launch circulation of oxygen and vital nutrients in the scalp.
Nutrition on the scalp which can be fulfilled with good, useful for improving hair growth, making the hair stronger, lustrous and beautiful, as well as preventing hair loss.
18. Treat fever
You can memafaatkan leaves pegagan to help the fever can be cured more quickly. To do so, to provide a few pieces of green leaves and use as a compress on the forehead. DAU pegagan have natural substances that give benefits to relieve the heat of the fever.
19. Avoid varicose veins and swelling
When blood vessel elasticity to the condition is declining, this gives a potential buildup of blood at the foot of and potential leaks fluid out of blood vessels. This resulted in the onset of swelling in the feet.
On some small studies ever undertaken, found that leaves pegagan have efficacy to reduce the swelling and also launched a blood flow.
In a study, researchers are evaluating the people who undergo varicose veins. ULTRASOUND test results showed that people given the intake leaf pegagan decrease leakage of fluids.
20. The source of natural antioxidants
Pegagan leaves are rich sources of antioxidants, whose role is crucial in warding off the attack of free radicals. Exposure to free radicals is very dangerous, as it causes an increased risk of cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, alzheimer's and other harmful.
The attack of free radicals results in the occurrence of the damage to the sitokinin function in the communication between the cells of the body and the immune system. In case of malfunctions on the sitokinin, resulting in the immune cells of the body is no longer able to obtain signal when a virus attack occurs the disease into the body.
The antioxidant function of ni is very important in keeping the body's immune system. One of the natural ways that you can get your intake of antioxidants is by eating leaves pegagan.
Where in it is contained the compounds karetenoid and asiatikosida, both of these beneficial compounds to ward off the attack of free radicals, and stimulates the natural antioxidant producing enzymes work in the body so that the maximum.
The benefits of antioxidant compounds are very much important and in fact, in addition to lowering the risk of cancer, diabetes and other diseases, it is also useful to help improve memory, concentration, oxygen flow as well as nutrients, and prevent damage to brain cells.
Other Benefits mentions that leaves pegagan has been widely used to treat a variety of ailments for thousands of years (traditional medicine), namely leprosy, syphilis, eczema, psoriasis, hepatitis, fevers, respiratory tract infections, epilepsy, ulcers, colds, fatigue, and asthma.
Page mentions some of the most exciting health benefits from leaf pegagan i.e. improve skin health, accelerate wound healing, protect your heart, improve memory concentration &, calming nervous disorders, overcoming respiratory problems, reducing the toxicity and the circulatory system.
Pegagan Leaves Side Effects
A woman in pregnancy and breastfeeding should not consume leaves pegagan, this is because it is not yet known the existence proof of security leaves pegagan for pregnant and nursing mothers.
Pegagan leaves can cause drowsiness effect, so avoid "combined" with the drugs used during and after the operation which also has the effect of drowsiness. You need to avoid the herb pegagan at least 2 weeks before the operation is performed. explained that the medical practitioner or healthcare in the United States and Europe have recently put their interest in using the herb leaves pegagan. Although the centella asiatica (leaf pegagan) look safe when consumed according to the instructions, however, scientists from the University of Maryland Medical Center warned not to consume more than six consecutive weeks without consult doctor.
People who are undergoing a liver organ disease should not consume centella asiatica. explains that if you have an allergic reaction to leaf pegagan then likely cause side effects in the form of skin redness, itching, abdominal pain, nausea, and drowsiness.
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