This is a Benefit you can get from Brown rice to Diet and health
As already discussed above, so many benefits we can get from this brown rice consumption. Not only as the premier choice for diet program, it can also lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and many more advantages the use of brown rice is compared to white rice. Let us refer to it other than Brown rice used to diet, what are the other advantages that can be given to our health.
Complex carbohydrates
Benefits of brown rice to diet for most people is caused by the complex carbohydrates in them. Yes, brown rice is one of the sources of carbohydrates as well as different types of rice in general such as white rice. The difference is the type of carbohydrates it contains. Brown rice along with wheat or oatmeal equally contain complex carbohydrates that are necessary for every person who wants to lose weight the healthy way.
Slightly discussing about the types of carbohydrates, a source of carbohydrates we consume every day are divided into two types namely, simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates after consumed will very rapidly absorbed in the digestive system, so it can raise blood sugar quickly but didn't last long because you will feel hungry again. Examples of simple carbohydrates are foods containing sweeteners such as sugar, brown sugar, syrup, various types of biscuits, milk and chocolate.
In contrast to simple carbohydrates, foods with a high complex carbohydrates will take longer to digest in our digestive system. Due to the length of this digestion process causes increased levels of sugar in the blood occurs gradually and will survive for a long time so that you will continue to feel full. This was used as the main reason why Brown rice used to diet during this time.
Then how to cook Brown rice for a diet? It is very easy! You simply Cook the brown rice is the same as when you cook the rice to be cooked rice per day. You can cook it manually by way of steamed or using the help pemasak auto rice such as magic jar and others. You can replace the use of white rice with red rice every day, so you can enjoy so many advantages that still we discuss below.
Fiber content
Content of brown rice for a diet that we discuss next is fiber in it. Fiber content in brown rice is very high because tablets could reach 3.5 grams in only 1 cangkirnya only. A very high fiber content which causes many adult diet program promotes the use of brown rice as compared to ordinary white rice.
High fiber in a food is very good for the health of our digestive system. This is caused by consuming foods rich in fiber you can launch a process of absorption of food by the intestines and bowel movements (CHAPTERS) every day. Can you imagine not, in addition to making your appetite decreases because the content of complex carbohydrates in it also make you red rice often CHAPTER because of its high fiber content in it. Very nice not if made a menu for your diet program.
Lower cholesterol
Who would have thought that Brown rice in addition to the diet is beneficial for weight loss, it also can be useful is important for health? That is able to lower cholesterol in the blood. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that the oil content in brown rice has an important role in lowering cholesterol levels especially lower LDL.
An important role is also said to be enhanced by the high fiber content which is owned by Brown rice. Consumption of foods with a high fiber content require bile acids to process pencernaannya, in this cholesterol is one of the constituent of bile acids. A decrease in LDL cholesterol in the blood occur due to usage cholesterol itself as a maker of bile acids.
Reduce your risk of getting cancer
Did you know that eating Brown rice as a food menu you each day can lower the risk of developing cancer? It turns out that in addition to the brown rice used to diet he was able to reduce the risk of cancer. The first content plays a role in lowering the risk of cancer is strongly suspected, manganese is able to fight free radicals that holds an important role as a cause of cancer.
A number of other States that penilitian Brown rice and also its products contain phenolic compounds that are higher compared to white rice. The phenolic compound itself has the effect of suppressing progresifitas a process of malignancy. Brown rice himself allegedly plays a major role in lowering colon cancer risk numbers (large intestine), prostate cancer and breast cancer as well.
In addition, in an article published in the International Journal of Cancer who do the observations to the patterns of life, diet programs and also blood samples at more than 500,000 participants from European countries found high levels of selenium in the blood is very closely related to the risk of cancer is low. Brown rice is known to have a high content of selenium as compared to white rice. By consuming 1 cup Brown rice we have met 35% of selenium intake recommendations per day.
Good for sufferers of Diabetes Mellitus
As already mentioned earlier, the content of carbohydrates which is owned by Brown rice is a complex carbohydrate. The advantage given to keep the occurrence of surges in blood sugar is the main reason for diabetics to consume Brown rice.
As an anti-inflammatory
Benefits of brown rice as an anti-inflammatory is because anti-oksidannya content is very high.
After discussing the various benefits of brown rice at the top, you certainly don't hesitate to choose the type of rice to this one as one of the diet menu you because in addition to get the ideal weight, you will also be getting healthy and protected from various diseases. Finally, I hope this article was helpful for all of us.
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